Victory in Christ over COVID-19 virus

By: Lester de Leon
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When COVID 19 spread all over the world, it caused panic to everyone. I for one decided to discontinue my last month of probation in my job because my boss had just come from Italy and I suspected he had the virus (at that time, Italy had the highest rate of mortality). More than a year passed, and I thought I would not be infected.  I felt invincible.  In 2013, I was infected with MERSCOV and I thought that gave me immunity.  But I was still infected with the virus, even though I was cautious (with mask and social distancing).

One day, my wife noticed I looked so weak, when I slumped on the sofa. We checked my temperature and confirmed I had fever.  She hurriedly prepared the isolation room for me, but I refused and thought it might just be an ordinary flu. My wife insisted, and convinced me to take the PCR test. The result came out positive.

The hardest part was when all of us had to be contained. It became difficult to help each other because all of us were struggling. It was hard to prepare our meal, with hands shaking and wobbling in dizziness, no sense of smell and taste; it was really difficult and we were too weak to move.

After three nights of heavy coughing and difficulty breathing, I realized any time I would give in. I remember memories of my family and relatives and my happy and beautiful days were in my heart and mind, and yes, we were happy to go to heaven. I was scared to say “Good bye” to our loved ones. We will be one big happy family there in heaven, but there are things we still need to enjoy with our earthly loved ones, especially the young. “This is it,” I said to myself. My fate has sealed, as the tranquility of acceptance covered my mind, and I closed my eyes with tears. And I thought, “I will no longer be here by morning.”

Healing time was not easy. I felt so weak and I was only able to walk for half a kilometer, and I would be too tired do my chores and buy the things we needed. The good thing was, I met Pastor Mark who was also a Covid patient. I relayed all my experiences to him – I felt weird, but he explained everything to me, and I began to accept my situation. Weeks passed by, and my strength came back (I may be able to do things I did before, but I can do a lot of things now) and my sense of smell and taste were restored.

Thank God we all survived, through His mercy and grace and with the help of a lot of people (family, relatives and friends) who generously gave their time, effort and strength – especially the OECC Family, who extended their hands to help us.

One Response

  1. Another proof that a family that prays together, stays together.. and in a especially difficult situation, managed to get through–with the prayers that were uttered by all other families, very notably our spiritual family OECC. To God be all the Glory. ^^

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