Seek First

By: Ranzel Perdido
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January is the time of the year when many of us start making our goals and resolutions. As the COVID-19 started to spread in pandemic proportions, our plans and goals for 2020 were put on hold. Most of us went through many transitions and adjustments because of the lockdown and probably had experienced anxiety and paranoia due to the virus.

Everyone had a tough time, but 2020 has taught us to start the year with faith, prayer, and worship – to always seek God so that we can have peace in our hearts, knowing that He holds our future. A lot of things may happen this year, but we know that God is in control of everything, and He knows what will happen next.

On the 30th of January 2021, the Gen-Y Ministry held its first virtual building fellowship with the theme “Seek First,” stemming from Matthew 6:33, to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. The fellowship started at 4 p.m. via Zoom and Mark Ildefonso emceed, who hyped up the energy of the young people and the youth workers throughout the night.

Keren Olayres began the fellowship with a prayer, followed by Adrian Inocencio singing a praise song. Maika Perdido, our guest speaker, preached an inspiring message about faith goals and how important our goals be aligned with God’s will. She also spoke of how Jesus calls us to seek Him above anything else by dedicating all our goals and plans to Him.

After the encouraging sermon, we were divided into three groups and were assigned to our respective breakout rooms to pray for the following categories: (1) Relationship with God, (2) Personal, (3) School, (4) Gen-Y, and (5) Family. Before the beginning of the fellowship, we already asked the young people to take time to prayerfully list down their faith goals based on each category using the S.M.A.R.T. method.

Each part of the activity consisted of 15-minute breakout sessions where we shared our faith goals. It was then followed by singing worship songs led by the youth workers, and then the young people concluded the fellowship with powerful prayers. We praise and thank God for the Holy Spirit’s leading upon the young people as they wrote their faith goals. It was truly an honor to hear the youth excitingly share their prayer points with confidence.

After the activity, Allyson Molar gave her powerful and inspiring testimony on how God transformed her life. We were all encouraged and deeply moved by her story. Indeed, God has done, is doing, and will continue to do great things in our life. To wrap up the fellowship, Ferviel Tamayo led a closing song and a prayer filled with thanksgiving.

Throughout the prayer and worship night, the Holy Spirit reminded us that our main goal should always be to bring glory to His name whenever we set plans. Even though some of our faith goals may seem impossible to happen, let us believe that God will move miraculously. After all, our God can make impossible things possible in His Name. In this season, let us not rely on our strength and effort to achieve these goals, but let us fix our eyes on Jesus and seek Him at all times.

One Response

  1. Teenage life can be tumultuous, but when you “seek God first”, it becomes one of the most remembered, endearing stage in life you would want to come back to. Praises to God for the youth in OECC who go through their transitioning phase accompanied by the Words of God and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.^^

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