First In-Person Worship Service

By: Jeffrey Geron
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FRIDAY. It’s the day we all look forward to, when one day in a week, we meet our brothers and sisters in Christ to worship together. Then came COVID-19. Everything was stopped. Meeting together was not possible at all. We were all confined in our homes for the longest time we can ever imagine. Large gatherings were not permitted! Oh, God, how are we going to worship corporately?

Praise the Lord for the technology! We were able to meet again – VIRTUALLY! At first, it was comfortable. Who wouldn’t be? We were at home attending the service. There is no need to rush! We can prepare in a record-breaking of less than 30 minutes, especially for those who have kids like me.

But week after week, it became odd. We miss the fellowships. We miss the warm smiles of our brethren when we arrive in the Church. We miss those short but comforting hugs that some of us need after a long, tiring, and stressful week at work. We miss praying and worshipping side by side with our spiritual family. “How long will this last?,” we ask the Lord. We wonder, “Will we ever meet again?”

Indeed, God heard us! He answered our plea of coming together to worship. After almost eight months of being in a virtual worship service, we were finally given a chance to meet face to face in January 2021. It was by God’s grace and wisdom, especially to our leaders, that this event was considered. With all the guidelines given by the Protestant Church in Oman (PCO), we carefully followed all the safety protocols for the protection of everyone. A worship service in Good Shepherd Hall! Wow! That has lifted our spirit and has given us hope that everything will soon be back to how it was – a worship service and a fellowship with the physical presence of everyone.

Arriving at the venue stirred up emotions. Overwhelming joy! The familiarity of the place and the memories from the many times we joined together came back. The set-up was different though, chairs are apart from each other, no hugs, no handshakes, and no kisses. But knowing that we were there, even physically distant, meant a lot to everyone. We smiled behind the masks. Teary-eyed from the joy of seeing one another after almost a year.

Here are some of the testimonies of our brothers and sisters, who attended at that time:

 “It was a wonderful, unexplainable feeling, but so blessed to worship once again face to face with fellow brothers and sisters.” – Sis. Cathy Layon, Deacon Membership Ministry  
“I was excited, overwhelmed, and felt joyful while attending the First in-person worship service last January 2021!” – Bro. John Allan Hipe, Worship Leader  
“I was IN AWE.” – Sis. Weng Fabula, Discipleship Coordinator 

“Worship in the sanctuary is beyond compare. It is far different from the worship we are having from home. I felt how the Holy Spirit moves in the midst of us. ” – Sis. Eva Soria, Ushering Ministry Coordinator

Our spirit was on rocket high from the gratefulness of singing to the Lord and worshipping him with our brethren. Those who were at home, who witnessed this glorious experience, were joyful as well. How wonderful it is to worship the Lord with our fellow believers!

Pastor Philip Ansari shared with us an inspiring message about FAITH from the book of Hebrews, chapter 11. We learned the three characteristics of faith.

First, faith sees beyond the now. It doesn’t focus on the current situation, but it holds on to the Word of God and believes that it will come to pass.

Second, faith is not cautiously optimistic. Faith goes all out. It does not hold back. Faith keeps going and trusting in God’s plan. Pastor Philip said there was no plan A nor plan B. There is only “God’s plan.” Even though things do not go our way, that does not mean that it was not God’s plan because God only takes us to His plan. We have to trust Him and have faith.

Lastly, faith is characterized by self-deniability. It is all for God’s glory, that His name is glorified through us. Amen! What a refreshing message!

With the current situation we are in, this message of faith encourages us to go on, keep grounded on God’s Word and promises, and never lose hope. We have to look beyond the now and trust that this is all God’s plan for His glory.

In the meantime, we were restricted to conduct an in-person worship service again. But we are not giving up in prayer that we will worship the Lord together again in His perfect time and will. Pastor Philip read a poem at the end of his sermon. I hope that this will remind us that Jesus, our Lord, is our hope and salvation. Nothing is impossible for Him. God bless you all, and to God be all the glory. Amen!

Mountain Moving
Author: Unknown

Lord, I’ve never moved a Mountain
And I guess I never will;
All the Faith I could muster
Wouldn’t move a small anthill.
Yet I’ll tell you, Lord, I’m grateful
For the privilege of knowing Thee,
And for all the mountain moving
Down through my life You’ve done for me.
When I needed grace to lift me
From the depths of great despair,
And when burdens, pain and sorrow
Have been more than I can bear,
You have always been my helper
To restore life’s troubled sea,
And to move these little mountains
That have looked so big to me.
Many times, when I’ve had problems
And when bills I’ve had to pay,
And the worries and the heartaches
Just kept mounting every day,
Lord, I don’t know how You did it,
Can’t explain the where’s or why’s.
All I know, I’ve seen these mountains
Turn to blessings in disguise.
No, I’ve never moved a mountain,
For my Faith is far too small,
Yet I thank You Lord of Heaven,
You have always heard my call.
And as long as there are mountains
In my life I’ll have no fear,
For the mountain-moving Jesus
He shall make them disappear.

One Response

  1. To be together again in the same hall after a hiatus of face-to-face fellowship is something worth noting. Praise God for the easing out from the regimented pandemic routine. Notably, Pastor Philip Ansari’s preaching of the three elements of faith has proven faith’s work way and beyond his life. Having been in the ICU for months for COVID treatment and finally getting out of it to a recovery to health is a great proof of Faith that had its rewards. Praise God for Your goodness! Thank you Jesus for the perseverance in the faith that saves us.

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