Building Our Immunity

By: Myra Sinibalo
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According to Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionary, immune is defined as being resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells or having a high disease resistance. To be immune to a certain disease means that you are protected from that disease.

The past year has been a challenge. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to adapt to many changes. And, we always hear from the medical community that we need to have a strong immune system. We have to build our immunity by eating healthy food, taking vitamins, getting enough rest, exercising, etc.

But as followers of Jesus Christ, how do we build our immunity against hopelessness, fear, discouragement, and the other many things that let the Spirit down?

The pandemic has taught us to evaluate what things in our lives matter most. Amid these challenging times, we can rely on God’s promises. He is our refuge and strength. We can run to Him and not grow weary. We can go down on our knees and rely on Him to calm our fears, to give us hope, and to encourage us.  As promised in 1 Peter 1:23-25, God’s Word endures forever.

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 

“All people are like grass, 
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; 
the grass withers and the flowers fall, 
but the word of the Lord endures forever.”  

I realized that our worship services, fellowships, discipleships, Bible Study meetings, and prayer meetings will never be the same.  However, let us not give up. Let us continue building our immunity with hope, not hopelessness; with faith, not fear;  with encouragement, not discouragement. Let us walk during this time of uncertainty with certainty in JESUS CHRIST alone.

One Response

  1. “Immunity is at its lowest when we are hopeless”, did i read this somewhere? I went to a grocery store and spotted at the water section a bottled water named “immuno” –fortified with zinc and copper, from the brand Oasis. Curious, and wanting to build further immunity, I bought a pack. But this water can only help as much. As a Christian, I know that the immunity given to us by our Lord to strengthen us never runs out of supply, is free and always accessible in prayer, fellowship, and worship. Thank you sis Myra for the fortified reminder. ^^

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