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“The generous will prosper, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:25(NLT)

This verse reminds me that as a believer and a follower of Christ is not only to be generous with our financial blessings but also with other things like time, effort, and concern to others, especially to our family. It pleases God when we lovingly serve others, including sharing our material resources and caring for them. Spiritually, we are guaranteed to see some benefits in doing good to others. Usually, that generous person or people will get help and support from others during hard times.

I experienced this so many times. I felt loved and cared for by others every time I have difficulties. I received help, concern, and support, and I praise God for their life.

Lord, help us to be always willing and ready to help others. Give us the courage to give our time, resources, and concern to them in times of need and support. Amen!

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