Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus

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Last night, I invited one of my neighbors to go out for a walk nearby. My plan was just to walk around Mazoon Street heading to the Seeb Sports Complex then head back home.

Initially, I was following the usual route, then for some reason, I took a new route. Although in my mind I know where I’m heading, I suddenly lost sight of which way I am supposed to take. Then, I had to look far beyond and saw the spotlights from the Sports Complex, so I followed the trail going there and eventually found the way out.

Just like in Hebrews 12:2 where it says, “Let’s fix our eyes to Jesus, the author and the perfecter of our faith.” There are a lot of cares in life that often times we lose sight of who our Lord Jesus Christ is in our lives. Then we begin to start feeling weak by the struggles and challenges we are facing. I thank God for reminding me with this verse – to fix my eyes on Him and never lose heart in every challenge that comes along the way because He is the author of everything. Fixing my eyes means I need to put my trust in Him and Him alone. As we fix our eyes to Him, things in the world become smaller and easier, knowing He got our back. He knows all things. He knows what’s next as He is the ultimate author of everything.

Lord, thank You for reminding us to fix our eyes on You. Help us to seek and know You more in our lives through reading Your Words, and allowing You to mold us to being more of You and less of us. Amen.

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